Monday, May 10, 2010


Today started with the best speaker ever. The mother of one of our 1st grade teachers, who is also one of the vice superintendent of Gwinnett County Schools, came to speak to the mentors and mentees. She spoke to us about holding fast to our dreams and making sure that we are dream makers and not dream breakers when it comes to our children. She was amazing and I am glad she came to speak to us. She reminded us why we do what we do. This was a much needed refresher with the stress of the end of the year looming and moral being low at the school.

As for the gift... There was a beautiful red rose on my desk this morning. It was from one of my boys. He is a sweet sweet young man and I love that he is in my class. He requires a lot of love and attention because he has a hard time remembering things. He is currently being tested for special education. He was gone most of the day with our Psychologist. My student told him, the psychologist, that I was by far his most favorite teacher. That made my day. It was a reminder of why I do what I do. To touch, teach, and change the lives of children.


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