Top Five Gifts
5. LL Bean Trail Model Rain Jacket (have worn it twice, Love it!!!)
4. Rachael Ray's Look and Cook cookbook (I have already cooked out of it)
3. Iphone 4s (I finally feel up to date!!!)
2. Toms Houndstooth black and silver shoes (perfect for school)
1. Rachael Ray Pots and Pans
I know that gifts are not what the holidays are about, but they are an added bonus. I love, love, love to give gifts to the people I love. It is fun to shop and figure out the right gift that they will enjoy. I did enjoy my break and spent A LOT of time doing things that I wanted to do.
Here are my top 5 things I did on break.
5. Cleaned (I know not fun, but it was necessary and nice to get it done on my schedule)
4. Worked out (and lost 3 pounds)
3. Slept (ahhhhhhhh)
2. Spent time with Friends (saw Desiree, Taylor, Kristy, and Whitney)
1. Spent time with family (see pictures)
Me and Kelly (sister) At Fort Caroline
I hope that your holiday was equally as amazing and blessed. May your 2012 bring you joy and blessings!!!